Cultivating a strong school culture is more than just academics; it's about nurturing a sense of belonging, respect, and unity among students. Today, GJH students participated in a sorting ceremony by choosing an eagle egg with a token inside identifying one of six houses.
9 months ago, Errin Jennings
Gerdes 01
Gerdes 02
Gerdes 03
Gerdes 04
Gerdes 05
Gerdes 06
Students get crafty with art using black lights!
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
students drawing
AI Translators
9 months ago, Tracy O'Quinn
AI Translators Emergent Bilingual
Preparing our students for the future while building presentations on Google Slides!
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
students working on laptops to create a presentation
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!! This meal broke records yesterday with over 300 JH and HS students choosing it! Teriyaki chicken wing rice bowl with roasted carrots and fresh sliced apples was a hit!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
Learning is fun! Students showcased their knowledge with an exciting and competitive game of Kahoot!
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
students playing Kahoot
Our 6th grade scientists are researching what minerals produce the colors in fireworks. Delving into the science behind the magic! #LulingPrepares #LulingEmpowers #LulingInspires
9 months ago, Luling ISD
Court is now in session with the Honorable Math Teacher Mr. Gleason. Student present their case to defend their equation.
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
Mr. Gleason picture 2
Mr. Gleason picture 1
Mr. Kurtis introduced eighth graders to the universe of numbers with scientific notation! Students are demonstrating how to convert a number from scientific to standard notation. #LulingPrepare #LulingEmpower #LulingInspire
9 months ago, Luling ISD
Scientific Notation 2
Scientific Notation
Friday, Sept 1st and Monday, Sept 4th are student and staff holidays!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
Labor Day
Fueling young minds with nutritious bites! Gerdes JH lunch options are delicious!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
JH Food
Empowering the next generation through sports! Excited to see the dedication and teamwork of our junior high athletes as they start Fall Athletics. Let's show up and cheer them on as they build skills and a love for healthy competition. Go Eagles!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
JH Sports
JH Volleyball
JH Football
The first Football Friday of the season is almost here! Come out and support your Luling Eagles! **It's Little Eagle Night too!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
Football Friday
Our 7th grade students are thrilled to learn about science! It's exciting to hear the academic conversations students are having as they work with their table team!
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
students working at tables in science class
GED Classes and English as a Second Language Classes are starting soon at the Rosenwald campus! If morning classes would work better for you, stay tuned! A morning GED option is being planned now! If you have questions, please use the contact info on the flyers.
9 months ago, Luling ISD
GED English
Students and staff come together as a leadership team to start off our year as a collaborative team!
9 months ago, Gerdes JH
leadership meeting
Writing, writing, and more writing. Honors Writing classes at Gerdes JH are receiving instructions for their first composition of the year.
9 months ago, Luling ISD
JH Writing
Luling Varsity Football's Annual Decal Ceremony is Thursday, Aug 24th, at 6pm in the LHS Cafeteria. Each varsity player's family is invited to come and help put the decals on their son's game helmet. With the season opener on Friday, this is a great way to continue to build the athletic family community!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
What's better than watching our Luling Eagles compete? Nothing. Now you can watch every game for every sport, HS AND JH, with your All Sports All Year Pass! Buy your pass now on HomeTown Ticketing! **If you have already purchased a sport's season pass, it will convert to the All Sports All Year Pass at no extra charge!!
9 months ago, Luling ISD
All Sports Pass
We had a great first week of school!
9 months ago, Tracy O'Quinn
Sneak Peek 1st day school